Discover the Mystical Architecture of Terunobu Fujimori

Terunobu was for years an architecture historian and in 1991 he started practicing architecture. I love his work because it is so whimsical and reminds me of something Hayao Miyazaki would come up with.

Hiyao Miyazaki from the film: Howl's Moving Castle

Hiyao Miyazaki from the film: Howl's Moving Castle

Takasugi Tea House in Chino, Japan

Takasugi Tea House in Chino, Japan

Takasugi interior, plaster covered with bamboo mats

Takasugi interior, plaster covered with bamboo mats

 Chashitsu Tetsu  built in 2005

 Chashitsu Tetsu  built in 2005

Chashitsu Tetsu again

Chashitsu Tetsu again

Conference room, Club Hotel, Japan

Conference room, Club Hotel, Japan

Storkhouse. Raiding, Austria

Storkhouse. Raiding, Austria

Beetle's House. V&A Museum, London

Beetle's House. V&A Museum, London

Interior of Beetle's House

Interior of Beetle's House

Well, I hope you enjoy his buildings as much as I do. I really enjoy his use of charred wood and fantastical construction especially in such a rigid profession. Please let me know what you think about his architecture below and have an excellent day!



If you enjoyed this architecture then here is somemore inspiration:

Andy Goldsworthy and Surreal Art in Nature

Max Schaaf, Living the Dream